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Create BCEAO Non Financial Indicators as XML file

BCEAO requires that member countries also produce non financial information which must be submitted together with the financial information files. Much of this non financial information may not be obtained from Loan Performer but you have to obtain it from other sources,

Loan Performer provides for you the templates where this data can be entered before you can compile and submit it in the XML file format to the relevant authorities.

Loan Performer provides four templates that you will have to fill and they include the following.

1. BCEAO Report.

2. Configuration BCEAO Reports Page 1

3. Configuration BCEAO Reports Page 2

4. Configuration BCEAO Reports Page 3

How to configure BCEAO Non Financial Indicators as XML file

To configure BCEAO non financial indicators you go to Accounts/Regulatory Report/BCEAO Reports/Create Non Financial Indicators as XML file and a screen will appear looking bas follows:

Click on the second tab Configuration BCEAO Reports Page1 to view and fill in data in the relevant fields provided. The following window will be displayed:

For each field enter the Start of Period and the End of Period value and click Save to save the changes.

Note that all the fields are required and must be filled before the for BCEAO reports can be forwarded.

Click on the third tab Configuration BCEAO Reports Page2 to view and fill in data in the relevant fields provided. The following window will be displayed:

This window provides information about the quality of loans that you have, this includes the Number and Amount of the current loans.

Note that for each field enter the Start of Period and the End of Period value and click Save to save the changes.

Click on the third tab Configuration BCEAO Reports Page3 to view and fill in data in the relevant fields provided. The following window will be displayed:

This template will provide non financial information about the funding and various commitments that your organization has. Click on a cell and enter the relevant values for each of the corresponding label.

Click back on the BCEAO Reports tab and click on the Save button to save the report in XML file format.

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